khks instance logo KeepSec Hybrid Kubernetes Service

Deploy your Kubernetes cluster in under 5 minutes with KHKS. With CPU pinning, no overcommitment, and unmetered network access, enjoy predictable billing and optimal performance. Secure your nodes with WAF, and manage your cluster instantly after downloading the kubeconfig.


  • Total CPU: 0 core
  • Total RAM: 0 GB
  • Total Disk: 0 GB


  • Total CPU: 0 core
  • Total RAM: 0 GB
  • Total Disk: 0 GB

Extra Storage

0.00 /month

Total Cluster Cost


per month

Order and customize your KHKS plan here

KHKS Presentation


Experience KHKS with the KeepSec difference

With instant deployment, dedicated CPU resources, and robust security, KHKS is the backbone of your cloud infrastructure.

Unmetered Network

Enjoy predictable billing with our unmetered network for your Kubernetes clusters.

Web Application Firewall

Secure your controller nodes with a built-in WAF, protecting your infrastructure from malicious traffic.

Dedicated CPU

Benefit from CPU pinning, ensuring each core is dedicated to your KHKS cluster, with no overcommitment.

Instant Deployment

Deploy your Kubernetes cluster in under 5 minutes, and start managing it immediately.

Optimal Performance

Experience top-tier performance with KHKS, powered by cutting-edge hardware and technology.

Reliable Infrastructure

Leverage KeepSec's robust infrastructure, designed for maximum uptime and resilience.

Speed when it matters

We prioritize the day-to-day performance of your Kubernetes cluster, ensuring consistent, high-speed operations with dedicated resources and advanced infrastructure.

Software-defined Storage

Our distributed storage architecture is entirely flash-based, offering seamless scalability and triple-copy redundancy as standard.

Enterprise Hardware

We use top-tier hardware, including AMD EPYC processors, to deliver unmatched performance for your Kubernetes cluster.

Built-In Security

KHKS includes built-in security features like WAF and automated monitoring to protect your cluster at all times.

A Reliable and Resilient Cloud Platform

KHKS is built on a robust cloud platform designed for maximum uptime and reliability.

Our auto-healing systems ensure that your Kubernetes cluster remains online, automatically moving workloads in case of failures.

Seamless Scalability and Management

KHKS offers flexibility and scalability, allowing you to tailor your Kubernetes cluster to meet your exact needs.

Fully Managed Service

We manage the operating system for you, ensuring that your KHKS cluster is always up-to-date and secure.

Private Networking

Connect your KHKS nodes over a private network with our KS Interconnect feature.

24/7 Monitoring

Our team continuously monitors your KHKS cluster, providing proactive support and updates as needed.

Comprehensive Support

Our dedicated support team is here to assist you whenever you need it.

Managed Support

All KHKS services include managed support, taking care of OS management and more.

Provision your Kubernetes cluster with the requested specifications.

Install and maintain essential software to ensure your cluster’s optimal performance.

Monitor your cluster 24/7/365 to ensure it stays healthy and secure.

Assist with migration and setup tasks as needed.

Our support team will continuously monitor and update your cluster, keeping it secure and running smoothly.

Insights & Resources

Insights and resources to help drive your business forward faster.

keepsec in the mountains
KeepSec announces you that its new service VPSmini is now available

KeepSec is pleased to announce the launch of our latest VPS service, VPSmini. This marks an exciting progression in our mission to provide high-performance solutions.