
DigitalOcean vs. KeepSec

Looking for an alternative to DigitalOcean ?


Is DigitalOcean or KeepSec right for you?

DigitalOcean sets its offering apart by doubling down on three central pillars: simplicity, pricing, and high-performance virtual servers. The company makes it simple to set up Linux instances called Droplets, making implementation straightforward. Its user-friendly interface is one of DigitalOcean’s strongest characteristics.

FEATURES DigitalOcean KeepSec
Cloud GPUs Close Close
Latest AMD CPUs Close Close
AMD CPUs free upgrade You pay more Close
Outbound Transfer Speed Max 2 GBps 1-12 GBps
Free Cloud Firewall Close Close
Free DDoS Protection Close Close
Bare Metal Cloud Servers Close Coming Soon
Managed Kubernetes Close Close
Managed Database Close Coming Soon
High Memory VM's Close Close
App Marketplace Close Close
100% Free Human Support Close Close
1000+ Documentation Library Close Close
Developer Focused Close Close
Free Bundled Transfer Close Close
API, CLI, and user friendly Cloud Interface Close Close
Flat predictible pricing Close Close
COMPANY PROFILE DigitalOcean KeepSec
Year Founded 2011 2021
Public Cloud Offering Launched 2012 2022
Years Providing Public Cloud 8 1
Years Profitable 0 1
Developer Owned & Operated close accept
Data Center Regions 8 2
Investor Liabilities -$455.4M None
Non-Cloud Businesses None None
# of Cloud Products ~20 ~15
Target Customers Developers
# of CEO Changes 3 0
User Friendly Cloud Interface Close Close
  • Why Choose DigitalOcean
  • Why Choose KeepSec
  • Prefer an independent cloud provider who puts customers first, without the investors or financial debt that can get in the way.
  • Want the best customer support without restrictions. Free 100% human no-handoff support including the phone support that AWS doesn't offer.
  • Advanced services like DDoS protection, Cloud GPU's and Kubernetes clusters.
  • Local datacenter regions and company. KeepSec is based in Montreal, Canada with another datacenter in Quebec and one in Toronto. With Canadians data centers regions get the global reach and local presence you need.
  • Security focused. KeepSec's doesn't have it's name just for show, we offer custom cybersecurity features with all our offerings to make your infrastructure more secure.
  • Want the best hardware. KeepSec has the flexibility to choose the hardware that delivers the best price-performance. That's why we use the latest AMD EPYC CPUs.

Digitalocean vs KeepSec Prices comparison

Dedicated virtual machines for CPU-intensive applications

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KeepSec 1 vCPU, 4GB RAM, 80GB SSD vs. Digital Ocean 2 Core Shared Basic w/AMD, 4GB RAM, 80 SSD

GPU compute for AI, machine learning, video rendering and more

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KeepSec GPU-accelerated 8 vCPU CPU, 16 GB RAM, 320 GB SSD vs. Digital Ocean 8 Core CPU-Optimized, 16GB RAM, 200 GB SSD

Explore more KeepSec cloud comparisons
